Alocasia 'Pink Dragon'
Did you know?
Alocasia are native to the tropical rainforests of South East Asia. They are also known as ‘Elephant’s ear’ because of their large heart shaped leaves. Alocasia may go dormant in the winter and shed its leaves, but fresh new growth will appear again in spring when warm, bright conditions return.

Light | Alocasia ‘Pink Dragon’ needs plenty of bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight particularly in the afternoon as it may scorch the leaves.
Water | Keep soil moist, but not waterlogged. Wait until the top one to two inches of soil is dry before watering. Reduce watering in winter.
Feed | Use a balanced houseplant fertiliser once or twice a month in summer.
Humidity | This plant needs a humid environment so it is perfect for your kitchen or bathroom if the light conditions are correct. Keep away from draughts and radiators. Boost humidity if needed by keeping the leaves dust-free, using a pebble tray and misting regularly.
Soil | Well-draining peat-free aroid houseplant soil.
Temperature | This plant likes warm conditions no lower than 16 degrees Celsius and ideally higher (up to 26 degrees Celsius).
Repotting | The best time to repot is in spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. Repot Alocasia carefully into a slightly bigger pot every 12-18 months.
Propagating | By division when the plant is mature and well-established, and has smaller plant pups in the same pot.
Common problems:
Overwatering - do not overwater as this plant is prone to root rot. Ensure proper drainage. Signs of root rot include mushy stems and yellow or drooping, wilted leaves.
Yellow leaves - overwatering, underwatering, lack of humidity or insufficient light.
Brown or dull leaves - too much light (sunburn) or lack of humidity.
Toxic to pets and children if ingested.